

    PIRATE: lattes & time

    I spent the majority of my day hovering over my mac among the other coffee fiends in my local caffeine dispensary, Gaylord's. I was supposedly reading and having a much needed catch up day after an oh so fun but unproductive weekend, yeah right. Instead I engaged in my signature hobbies; talking to strangers (er, rather listening to them talk), fashion blogging, and otherwise staring into space. For a day such as this I prefer to be casual, comfortable, and layered but never without a bit of style. The sunshine in my morning was the arrival of UPS and my much coveted leather dan post boots! yay! Heres how I wore them:

    Vintage dan Post lace-up boots & UO striped tights

    DIY: bleached out levi's jeans cut into shorts & aforementioned GAPstriped cashmere sweater

    topped with my black American Rag military style coat & a super structured vintage bag

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