[DOSE] Edna St. Vincent Millay
Nor slumber nor a roof against the rain;
Nor yet a floating spar to men that sink
And rise and sink and rise and sink again;
Love can not fill the thickened lung with breath,
Nor clean the blood, nor set the fractured bone;
Yet many a man is making friends with death
Even as I speak, for lack of love alone.
It well may be that in a difficult hour,
Pinned down by pain and moaning for release,
Or nagged by want past resolution's power,
I might be driven to sell your love for peace,
Or trade the memory of this night for food.
It well may be. I do not think I would.
[DOSE] connect.
commute 2
I am constantly consciously obsessing over physical symptoms. You know, shooting pain through my head or swirling muscle spasm in my back compounded with that weird cramp in my foot when I wake up every morning. And then there is that bump behind my ear. This morning I felt sort of dizzy and nauseas and I still had that bump behind my ear and I swear it hurt along with my throat when I woke up. I called Jonathan and explained all this to him, "Look it up", I said. He knew what I meant. It's driving me crazy. Everything is driving me crazy. every time i turn over or see the sun come up or hear a train go by in the distance as soon as I turn left on 40th I know it means the next plane overhead is dropping a bomb on the city.
If I had a television I would blame it on that.
Yesterday morning I had to wake up early to catch the train into the city to make my eight am class. I haven't been on time since the first week. There is something about the morning that always holds me up those fifteen extra minutes. I am always being held up. I cant figure out what I am doing all the time since its clearly not being where I am supposed to be at the appointed time. It must be the internet, or maybe all those billboards I have to walk by. If I spent less time on facebook and reading advertisements I'm sure I would be where I should be more often.
Back to the train though.
I love to stand in the middle of the car and look around at all the professionals in their slacks and sweaters, faces crammed in last years best sellers, and maybe one from the year before that. They have their faces in their book though, its pretty clear what they're doing. Its more intriguing to stare in the faces of those that choose to do nothing on the train. How many minutes do they spend, do you think, like that- Doing nothing. The commute to the city is 26 minutes from MacArthur, to Powell at least. If they do that commute twice a day thats 52 minutes and if you multiply that by five days in a week thats 260 minutes or 4.3 hours a week.
I suppose not much can get accomplished in 4.33 hours a week.
Maybe your chores.
You can clean the house and go grocery shopping in that time .
I suppose thats productive.
Sometimes when I am on the train and we go under the bay my throat sort of starts to close and then I notice that swirling in my back again and realize the guy next to me smells really bad and the guy with the briefcase looks sort of suspicious and start touching behind my ear. Damnnit, there goes that shooting pain. I wonder if its weird to move to a different car.
[DIY] Sometimes you just gotta...
[DASH SNOW] This is the art of our generation.
[BROOKLYN LOVE] Cass is on stylecaster!

(from style caster...)
Cassandra Madsen
Personal Trainer
Where are you from?
New Jersey
Favorite Designers and Stores
Opening Ceremony, Oak, Barneys CO-OP
Describe Your Personal Style
"I like mixing a collective design with vintage pieces."
Head To Toe
Chanel earrings, Neil Barrett denim jacket, Uniqlo dress, Oak shoes, Vintage jewelry
[HOW TO] Save Face at your Interview for a internship at Vogue!
stolen from FemaleFirst
Fashion for Dummies:
Pronouncing Designer Names
Anya Hindmarch: Ahn-ya Heind-march
Badgley Mischka: Badge-lee Meesh-ka
Bebe: Bee-bee
Bottega Veneta: Bo-tega Ven-e-ta
Bulgari: Ball-gah-ree
Burberry Prorsum: Bur-bur-ree Pror-some
Carolina Herrera: Caro-leena Hair-era
Christian Louboutin: Loo-boo-tin
Gareth Pugh: Gareth Pew
Giles Deacon: Jy-els Dee-kin
Givenchy: Jhee-von-shee
Hedi Slimane: Eddy Sli-mahn
Hermès: Air-mez
Hervé Léger: Air-vay Lay-jay
Lanvin: Lon-vin
Loewe: Low-ev-ay
Louis Vuitton: Loo-ee Voo-ee-ton
Marchesa: Mar-kay-sa
Moschino: Mo-ski-no
Nicolas Ghesquière: Ni-co-la Guess-ki-air
Olivier Theyskens: Oli-vier Tay-skins
Pierre Cardin: Pee-air Car-dain
Proenza Schouler: Pro-enza Skool-er
Ralph Lauren: Ralph Lauren (as in Lauren the girl’s name, not Sophia Loren)
6267: Six-two-six-seven (not Sixty-two-sixty-seven)
Thakoon: Ta-koon
Thierry Mugler: Tee-air-ree Moog-lay
Yohji Yamamoto: Yo-jee Ya-ma-mo-to
Read it. Memorize it. And don't fuck it up.
[PIRATE] Scored. $500 Taryn Rose shoes
Oh the joys of thrifting. $500 Taryn Rose lace-ups for 25 bucks. Oh so perfect for struttin' through the city.
[MUSIC REVIEW] PlayRadioPlay!
[MUSIC REVIEW] Nous Non Plus
[PIRATE] Only about $500.
[PIRATE] Guns & Coffee
incredibly challenging paper for modern criticism at 9 pm. Worked till
1 am, then realized that coffee was just not cutting it and nothing
sort of saftey pins and cocaine would keep my eyes open. So I took a
nap, till 3:17 am. I woke up at 3:17 am and forced myself to lie in bed
for 40 minutes, stressing about the paper the whole time. At 4:00 am I
turned the light on and started working. I wrote 2 pages by 5:30 am, at
which time I needed to find another article on JStor. Anyone who has
used the JStor database knows how fickle it can be, and at 5:30 am, it
was literally making me sick. After 30 minutes of trying to find the
damn article, I gave up, and at 6:00 am I fell back asleep, until 7. At
Approx. 7:15 I turned the light back on and continued work on my essay,
which I thought was due at noon. I finished it by 9, and layed
miserably for 30 minutes until I HAD to get in the shower. I eventually
made my way to school around 10:30 am and arrived at school around
11:20 and proceeded to the computer lab. Of course, it took 15 minutes
to print because my 3 year old macbook needs a new hardrive and doesnt
fucking work. Dammnit. I got to class 30 minutes late, at 11:40 am. I
sat through the class, paper in hand, happy to be done with it, but
feeling lucid. A student be hind me asked a question about possible
resources for the essay. I thought to myself, "Well that was a stupid
question, isnt it a little late? The paper is due today." Then I
thought again, or is it? Once class ended, and I heard no mention of
turning papers in, I tapped the girl's shoulder in front of me, "Is the
essay not due today?". "No" she said, "Next Monday".
[PIRATE] Shapeless, with an edge
[PIRATE] procrastination
[EVENT] Thurs. 5/7- Damon Soule @ Fecal Face Gallery & Fri. 5/8- Horace Raymond and the Gnarly Cactus & Sat. 5/9- Weekender and Raise the Bridges
Damon Soule
Opening: at Fecal Face Dot Gallery
66 Gough St. @ Market
San Francisco, CA
May 7th, 6-9pm
There ya have it kids, but let his work speak for it self. See ya there, or be square!
Velo Rouge Cafe
798 Arguello Blvd.
San Francisco, CA
May 8th, 6-10pm
Chris, David, Steven, Joe and Aaron of Horace Raymond & The Gnarly Cactus are sure to pack the Velo Rouge Cafe with hipsters, tambourines and anti-folk sounds on Friday Night. They recently spent literally an entire weekend in a basement recording a few songs and their first album will be available at the show. CHECK THEM OUT!
[PIRATE] Many Faces of Mesh
[MUSIC REVIEW] John Vanderslice
Songwriter, photographer, world-traveler, studio owner, and musician are only a few faces of solo artist John Vanderslice who has forged a mini-empire in the mission district of San Francisco. Upon the break-up of MK Ultra in 1999, Vanderslice ventured out on his own to create an independent identity, and he wasted no time before releasing his first nationally recognized single Bill Gates Must Die in 2000. A wide influence base which references artists from Neutral Milk Hotel to Public Enemy contributes to his indiosyncratic sound and uniquely artistic vision. He is notorious for citing poetry, politics and film in his prolific narrative lyrics. Vanderslice's sound is an intermingling of indie words with meloncholy electronic notes, interspersed with cosmic moldies and 80's synth beats. It relishes in misery and woe yet invites the oppurtunity for discovery of uplifting inspiration. It's the type of music that makes you feel like its really listening.
[MUSIC REVIEW] Telekinesis
[MUSIC REVIEW] Juliette Comagere
[PIRATE] I feel like a gypsy
[PIRATE] Mask Chic.
[DOSE] Swine Flu Style?
Surgical-mask chic: a hipster's guide
'Viral fashion' normally refers to an obscure trend that affords those in the know a chance to be snotty about the mainstream. And catwalk innovators and style luminaries have been all over the surgical mask like, well, a rash, for ages.
London-based designer Dr. Noki (real name JJ Hudson) has been wearing a face mask in public for over a decade now. "My mother detests it," he admits, "but it's an arresting image. It may not be attractive, but it's my own form of branding." Vogue calls both Hudson and his designs "apocalyptic"; in fact, it's fairly hard to tell him apart from his catwalk models, because he makes them all wear surgical masks too. "My favourite is a Spiderman one," he reveals, "customised from an old T-shirt."
Forget Michael Jackson - in Japan, where fear of pollution and hayfever have long driven mask sales, you can buy leopard print and even delicate lace masks. At this month's Japan Fashion Week, Mint Designs sent models out in masks moulded to the contours of their faces and covered in thorn prints. In Tokyo, it's impossible to tell the hipsters from the hypo-chondriacs, and where other countries have fresh-faced Pop Idols, the Japanese have the TV starlet Mask Idol, aka Anna Nakagawa, who is known for the incredible beauty of the upper two-thirds of her face.
So, ladies, though we might be doomed by a pandemic, don't let the side down; when wearing your mask, aim for inviting eyes glinting above a hidden, but luscious, pair of lips. Set them off with smoky eye make-up - just remember to use a tinted moisturiser, lest others mistake your interesting pallor for wan sickliness...
More on Swine Flu Style...
The Moment (NYT Fashion Blog) Did an Effing Awesome Slide show of Runway mask styles
Mexican's decorate Masks in an effort to make some light of the situation
And Again..
The Swine Flu Mask Gallery
[MUSIC REVIEW] Asobi Seksu
The work of a solitary artist, Anthony Gonzalez, is manifested as the French indie/electronic/shoegaze noises of M83. He flaunts a blatantly 80's synth sound juxtaposed with sultry whispered lyrics to create electronic dance beats that evoke a Boards of Canada meets Pat Benetar feel. M83 has been featured in two film trailers, the Russian flick "Night Watch" and the 2006 adaptation of "A Scanner, Darkly." He has also made appearance on and in the albums of various artists such as Bloc Party, The Deftones, and Snow Patrol. These collaborations have garnered moderate success and attention since M83's formation in 2001 and all five albums have been well-received by an increasingly larger audience. If you like pop/electro/indie/or just like to dance then this tripped out pop-culture sound is right up your alley.
[PIRATE] mimosas in the backyard.
[DOSE] amALgamation.
[PURCHASE] In the mail.
[MUSIC REVIEW] Kimya Dawson
old words
- [PIRATE] This is just to say...
- [PIRATE] Scored. $500 Taryn Rose shoes
- [MUSIC REVIEW] PlayRadioPlay!
- [MUSIC REVIEW] Eux Autres
- [MUSIC REVIEW] Nous Non Plus
- [PIRATE] Only about $500.
- [PIRATE] Guns & Coffee
- [PIRATE] Shapeless, with an edge
- [PIRATE] procrastination
- [EVENT] Thurs. 5/7- Damon Soule @ Fecal Face Galle...
- [PIRATE] Many Faces of Mesh
- [MUSIC REVIEW] John Vanderslice
- [MUSIC REVIEW] Telekinesis
- [MUSIC REVIEW] Juliette Comagere
- [PIRATE] I feel like a gypsy