Horace Raymond and the Gnarly Cactus truly packed the house as vintage clad and cigarette smoking hipsters spilled out the front door and crowded the sidewalk in front of the Velo Rouge CafĂ© in the Richmond District of San Francisco on Friday night. A raw folksy tune featuring Chris Greeley’s raspy unfiltered voice and passionately simple guitar riffs followed them onto Arguello Boulevard. Inside the venue, twenty-somethings stood shoulder to shoulder in barely 20 x 20 square feet of space surrounded by red walls littered with old photographs, every inch occupied by pixie boots, flannels, and dirty hair. The crowd swayed slowly as Greeley sang and played, David and Aaron strummed and Steven slammed his tambourine to their country-esque ditties of girls and love. The band evokes a rustic southern whiskey rock sound with a San Francisco Indie scene twist, reminiscent of Devandra Barnhart or the Moldy Peaches. While talking to Greeley after their set, I learned that this was their first “real” show, prior performances consisting mostly of open mic nights. I have a feeling that was the first of many. Their short, poignant, acoustic songs were well received by the crowd and myself, and I assure you I will be attending their next performance.
Hear them @ www.myspace.com/gnarlycactusgoescamping
The Bearded Ladies, who performed before Gnarly Cactus, were in feather moustached attendance
Nice critique on a talented young group. I look forward to hearing more of them.